
Digital tools and exchange integrations at your disposal.
Use them to sell spot loads faster, more conveniently, more effectively.


Spot Freight Management System. No TMS.

Integrator of systems for the sale,
of spot loads.


Spot Freight Management
System. Nie TMS.

Integrator of systems for the sale,
of spot loads.

SEE MORESpot Freight Management System. Nie TMS.

Publishing cargo spot offers for sale

In CARGOseller, you add a load once and indicate which tools and sales channels from those currently in use you are activating. Your options are:


innovative mailing of freight lists to groups of trusted subcontractors. They propose price in digital way in private, dedicated window. You compare offers in CARGOseller, no email chaos, no replies to outdated offers.

integration with 3 freight exchanges - you publish loads to freight exchanges in which you have an account, import price offers and compare in CARGOseller

after deletion of an offer or acceptance of a price offer in CARGOseller, load will be automatically removed from freight exchanges and mailing lists

if there is no offer for your cargo within 60 minutes, CARGOseller will automatically remove the freight offer from the freight exchanges and
add it again to boost it up on the list.

- you can run an automated search for free vehicles in TIMOCOM
within a 100km radius of the freight loading location

Automated search for free vehicle

CARGOseller's integration with TIMOCOM allows it to automatically search for free vehicles within a 100km radius of a cargo loading location that has been added to CARGOseller. Your benefits:


from now on you are not looking for free vehicles manually, the algorithm does it for you

the results found are displayed in the "Proposals" column along with price proposals from other cargo sales systems.

you have a full overview of the possibilities (price proposals + free vehicles)

you run a search for a free vehicle for loads that you can't publish on the freight exchange.

Loads in my organisation

With CARGOseller, your organization's spot loads are aggregated in one place instead of being scattered across the emails of different employees.


This allows the dispatcher to switch between the view of his loads for sale and the view of all loads for sale in the organization. The search box will allow the dispatcher to see if the cargo he is looking for is listed internally. The freight forwarder can, with one click, contact a colleague from another office, branch office about the cargo he is interested in.

We are improving the flow of information and communication.


To date, the dispersion of spot cargo volumes for sale on the mails of many different employees makes it impossible to conduct analyses. Aggregating all spot loads for sale in the CARGOseller system makes it possible to provide statistics showing:


statistics by time

number of cargoes entered, sold, unsold

revenue generated in the spot market

margin earned in specific tonnage ranges, branches, offices,

which directions are entered in the company the most and what is the level of margin (TOP directions)

on which directions the company gets the highest margins (TOP margin)

a report showing which spot market carriers performed the most orders

statistics showing the effectiveness of individual sales channels (mailing,, TIMOCOM, Teleroute, selling inside the organization)

Publishing cargo spot offers for sale

In CARGOseller, you add a load once and indicate which sales channels from those currently in use you are activating.
In addition, you have other supporting tools at your disposal. Your options are:

innovative mailing of cargo lists to groups of trusted subcontractors. hey propose price in digital way in private, dedicated window. You compare offers in CARGOseller, no email replies, no email inbox chaos, no replies to outdated offers.

integration with 3 freight exchanges - you publish cargos to freight exchanges in which you have an account, import price offers and compare in CARGOseller

if there is no offer for your cargo within 75 minutes, CARGOseller will automatically remove the cargo offer from the freight exchanges and add it again to boost it up on the list.

after deletion of an offer or acceptance of a price offer in CARGOseller, cargo will be automatically removed from freight exchanges and mailing lists

you can run an automatic search for free vehicles in TIMOCOM within a 100km radius of the cargo loading location entered in CARGOseller.



Automated search for free vehicle

CARGOseller's integration with TIMOCOM allows it to automatically search
for free vehicles within a 100km radius of a cargo loading location
that has been added to CARGOseller. Your benefits:

from now on you are not looking for free vehicles manually, the algorithm does it for you

the results found are displayed in the "Proposals" column along with price proposals from other cargo sales systems.

you have a full overview of the possibilities (price proposals + free vehicles)

you run a search for a free vehicle for loads that you can't publish on the freight exchange.

<< about system 1/4about system 3/4 >>


Loads in my organisation

With CARGOseller, your organization's spot loads are aggregated in one place
instead of being scattered across the emails of different employees.

This allows the dispatcher to switch between the view of his loads for sale and the view
of all loads for sale in the organization. The search box will allow the dispatcher to see if
the cargo he is looking for is listed internally. The freight forwarder can, with one click,
contact a colleague from another office, branch office about the cargo he is interested in.

We are improving the flow of information and communication.



statistics by time

To date, the dispersion of spot cargo volumes for sale on the mails of many different
employees makes it impossible to conduct analyses. Aggregating all spot loads for sale
in the CARGOseller system makes it possible to provide statistics showing:

number of cargoes entered, sold, unsold

revenue generated in the spot market

margin earned in specific tonnage ranges, branches, offices,

a report showing which spot market carriers performed the most orders

which directions are entered in the company the most and what is the
level of margin (TOP directions)

on which directions the company gets the highest margins (TOP margin)

statistics showing the effectiveness of individual sales channels
(mailing,, TIMOCOM, Teleroute, selling inside the organization)




39€ / month

Number of users included:   3

Fee for additional user:   6€

System of mailing cargo offers to trusted groups of carriers enabling digital price proposals in a dedicated window (see how it works>>)

Integration with Freight exchanges (publishing cargos)

Integration with TIMOCOM to automate search for find free vehicles for cargo*

Summary of price offers to cargo from mailing and freight exchanges

Automated deletion and refreshing of cargo offers in freight exchanges

Statistics for dispatcher and manager

View of all spot cargoes listed for sale within your own organization


219€ / month

Number of users included:   50

Fee for additional user:   6€

System of mailing cargo offers to trusted groups of carriers enabling digital price proposals in a dedicated window (see how it works>>)

Integration with Freight exchanges (publishing cargos)

Integration with TIMOCOM to automate search for find free vehicles for cargo*

Summary of price offers to cargo from mailing and freight exchanges

Automated deletion and refreshing of cargo offers in freight exchanges

Statistics for dispatcher and manager

View of all spot cargoes listed for sale within your own organization

*activation of integration with freight exchanges depends on obtaining individual API account data from the operator of the freight exchange.






Number of users included



Fee for additional user



System of mailing cargo offers to trusted
groups of carriers
enabling digital price proposals
in a dedicated window (see how it works>>)

Integration with Freight exchanges (publishing cargos)

Integration with TIMOCOM to automate search
for find free vehicles for cargo*

Summary of price offers to cargo from mailing
and freight exchanges

Automated deletion and refreshing of cargo offers in freight exchanges

Statistics for dispatcher and manager

View of all spot cargoes listed
for sale within your own organization

*activation of integration with freight exchanges depends on obtaining individual API account data from the operator of the freight exchange.


Contact form

Customer service

phone 792 003 967

phone 792 003 967

Technical assistance